Friday, May 27, 2016


As we go through this roller coaster that is life, we often find ourselves seeking the presence of another person. Following this desire, we start a quest to discover a person that matches our ideals and would be able to fit into our lives and us in theirs. Along our way, we find that we love many more people than we would have previously thought, but the love is not all the same.

Throughout our lives, love has been an interchangeable word that works for almost anything. We can discuss how much we "love" a restaurant we just discovered or a new outfit we just got. We then turn around and use the same language to express our care for another person. We have learned that love is the idea of fairy tales and does not happen between two people. Rather, we associate that feeling with objects or ideas, perhaps hoping that this will save us from the pain of unrequited love.  We have taught ourselves that the pain that comes from rejection is worse than the joy that comes from love. We forget that love is beautiful and precious. We fail to remember how wonderful it is to give love and how fulfilling it is to receive love from another. The desire to love is godly and as we learn to give it freely, we will begin to see and feel it everywhere we go.

"And remember, as it was written, to love another person is to see the face of God."
-Les Miserables

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